In December 2012, Ι came across a medium population of kournopodi (ancient Greek coronopus, Oenanthe pimpilloides, Corky-fruited water-dropwort) and few plants of ahatzikes (Shepherd’s needle -Scandix pecten-veneris) hidden among the leaves of wood- sorrel.(Oxalis pes-caprae L.). Yes, the wood – sorrel…
No famine during the harsh winter of 763-4?
Extreme cold and extensive snowfall is rather unusual in the eastern Mediterranean apart of the mountain regions. However the winter of 763-4 AD was so terrible that Byzantine sources referred abundantly to it. Leo IV and Constantine V. Leo was…
New Year’s Stuffed Foods
In the Greek world, wrapped and stuffed foods are prominent features at Christmas meals and New Year’s banquets. In pastoral and agricultural societies stuffed foods link human and agricultural fertility, the life of the individual and the cycle of the…
Christmas breads from Mani Greek Christmas breads, known as Christopsoma (Christ’s breads) appear to have their origin in the ancient Greek festive breads and bloodless sacrifices that were given to the gods to earn their favor. They are made the…
A forgotten flavour
“Cabbage should be cut up with a very sharp iron knife, then washed and drained. A sufficient quantity of coriander and rue should be cut up together with cabbage; then sprinkle with oxymeli and grate on top just a little bit…